NG2 Change Support Services

Go beyond your network lifecycle…

The Green Pack

Service description

The Euthymia Green Support Pack offering is addressing the needs of customers that are taking in consideration the change management imperatives, hence related to the Planning & Optimization Services.
Furthermore, it embeds a CFM module in order to keep track of every single port from your network.
Typically, it deals with Engineering and dimensioning scope, amongst which the most common features are:

• Statistics & Accounting/Metering.
• Produce system audit to document customer’s architecture and suggest improvements.
• KPI assessment and suggestions for improvement.
• Performance monitoring (RTT, throughput).
• Enabling of new features, and production of HLD and LLD for extension, modernization, and migration projects. 
• System & Service monitoring for reachability and availability.
• Resource measurement/monitoring, and capacity planning.


Allow the customer to have exclusive NPO services at reasonable costs, and production of documentation including: 
• Network diagrams. 
• Database/flat file of each port on each switch in customer's core network.
• Network description material.


Our approach is sub-dividing the Gold package Support into five main areas, amongst which two are basically included in the package, and three remain optional:

Change Management
Change Evaluation
Release Management
Knowledge Management
Configuration Management