
Modular Support Solutions

Euthymia Services

Genesis context
With the unavoidable phase-out of previous generations of Core and Access network equipment by telecom vendors, telecom operators and CSPs (Communication Service Providers) may find difficulties in maintaining their old equipment.
Furthermore, support contract from OEM might be either too expansive for relatively small operators, or not accurately addressed by the OEM, as the granularity of the business can be limited. NG2 positions itself to address these specific requirements from CSPs, through the Euthymia support services. 

What is Euthymia?
Telco networks usually require an operational support and NPO interfaces from the vendor, even if the system is already settled. Continuous development, coupled with exponentially increasing demand, causes product cycles to speed up and vendor support periods to shrink. 
Up until now, telecom operators and communications service providers (CSPs) in general, had only two choices: running their legacy systems without support or emergency assistance, or replacing them at a high cost.
Through Euthymia, NG2 gives its customers peace of mind throughout their infrastructure network's lifecycle, providing the operations quality that customers expect, while simultaneously decreasing the total cost of ownership for the CSP.

Euthymia consists of a modular support model, consisting into maintenance contracts for Telco infrastructure (Access, Transmission, Core, IP, Training and learning activities, Project Management, etc.), executed within the industry recognized and adopted ITILv3 framework, by highly skilled personal and contractors.

In a nutshell, ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library), is a collection of “best practices” or, as recently more modestly described, “good practices” in IT service management – today indispensable in the IT service area.
The use of ITIL in the context of Telco service providers and CSPs, facilitates the development of a common understanding and common definition of the operations processes and procedures, as well as the set-up of an SLA- and OLA-Management and service desk.

Our aim to serve our customers efficiently and transparently has led to modularizing our support and maintenance services.
Subsequently, NG2’s modular support solutions offer our customers clearer choices for the maintenance of their equipment & services.
This helps our customers to make wise maintenance and support choices, for efficiency and maximum performance.

Initially, the support packages are organized into 3 SLA classes, with basic and optional modules embedded within each package:

Service Desk

Incident Management

Problem Management

TQ Management

Knowledge Management

Change Management

Change Evaluation

Configuration Management

Release Management

Event Management


The packages are built to serve the most common types of customers needs, based upstream on potential commonly agreed requirements in terms of service and SLA levels, and downstream on the eagerness of customers to structure their service in order to align on ITILv3 framework:

Silver: This offer is geared for very short-term support contracts, intended for either preparing the upgrade toward a new platform, or to fulfill the need for specific support during special transition phases.

Gold: This offer is geared for mid-term support contracts, for which customer requires a full support up-to TSC2 level, including Problem Management and Change Management.
In option, our customers might also be interested in full Change Management coverage through the Change Evaluation and Configuration Management services, to get a complete and standardized control of operations at a very competitive budget.

Platinum: This offer is geared for customers willing to fully outsource their service operation modules.
In a nutshell, this offer embeds all the service operations modules, and provides customer with peace of mind for a standardized management to achieve an optimal efficiency within high levels of SLA.

While the initial Silver level deals with day-to-day tasks linked with operating the service, the Gold aims at controlling all the changes that may take place within customer’s network, permitting to have a full control on service quality.
Euthymia services expand further to the Platinum level, where all aspects related to operation and change controls are taken in charge, up to real-time monitoring of the service and equipments

Why Euthymia?
NG2 services endeavors to achieve, for its customers, two main stream of benefits:

At NG2, we have different service bundles in order to address our customer's needs through several support options, including hourly support services, with the option to buy in blocks of hours at discounted rates.
Blocks purchased are valid for 90/180/365 days from date of purchase.
Our service offer isn’t just different from those offered by other companies, but has also been designed to vary from customer to customer.

For all the major Telco. vendors and, thanks to our maintenance and optimization modules, our modular service offer can be perfectly coordinated with our customer service delivery roadmaps. As a result, our customers benefit from safer, more reliable and more effective support services.

Depending on the modules on which customer is willing to get support, pricing is negotiated on a per-contract basis, as well as project work that will be billed and estimated on a per-project basis. 

The initial technologies supported by NG2 are Nokia, Ex-Siemens, and Ericsson Core and Access network technologies. 

Although our initial focus goes toward providing maintenance services to our customers, executed by highly skilled personal, NG2 is still growing in other areas in order to cover, to the best extent, its customers' requirements. Our main expansion areas are geared toward enabling support packages for our customer in the areas of Transmission, IP, as well as Training & learning activities.